Melanie: Senior class of 2014 | Senior Photographer, Springfield IL
It is no secret that I adore my teaching job, and that I adore my kids. They are all such special people with something about them that just touches my heart, and for this beautiful senior Melanie, it is her spirit. While Melanie shares many similarities with her classmates, she has a special quality, a uniqueness, that is fully her. She is unafraid to be an individual among the crowd, and she glows with it! Melanie is very active in our theatre department, and has been for all of her school years- she is a lovely dramatic actress with a special voice. We are always told to be ourselves, and that no one can be us better than ourselves. Melanie does Melanie best, and she is proud of that, and that is what is so lovable about her spirit. We had so much fun on a crisp, colorful fall night together, and I am so thankful that I got to spend this time with her and her grandmother (make sure you get to the bottom and see her- they are adorable together!). Meet Melanie:

Melanie loves Sherlock Holmes, and was dying for her magnifying glass to make an appearance!

One of my FAVORITES!

Melanie, you are beautiful!!

Love this.


I adore nothing more than capturing my seniors with those they love, so of course I had to snap a few of Melanie and her grandma. These two have such a special bond!! Ladies, thank you so much for letting me capture you- Melanie, I know you have GREAT and BIG things coming in your future, and I cannot wait to witness them! You are so special!

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