become this:

Miss Addison has turned 1! She is absolutely the delight of her parent's life, and adores them equally! She is very verbal and active, and pretty content to do just about anything. Even though I have seen plenty of babies in the past year, seeing her turn 1 right when my baby turned 2 really reminded me of how small he once was- but even more so, of some of the adorable parts of that age that have now faded into toddler-dom. Addison loves noises (particularly clicking as I found!), she is just learning to steadily walk on her own, and is still so interested in textures...these qualities, in addition to some absolutely delightful dresses and 2 loving and beautiful parents made for a bit of magic last week! Enjoy- starting with an image that just makes me giggle!!

Addison and her daddy are pretty tight :)

I can't be sure...but in my mind, Addison is dreaming great things about her future here on the left, and trying to catch the sun on the right!

I was enamored with the light!! Time for some fun :)

I tend to love interactive images the most- but I just adore this more traditional family shot on the left!

I know these two will adventure together quite often...

Addison's beautiful mom is truly one of the most lovely people I know, and Addison knows it- she wants to be near her and in her presence all the time! Lindsay ALSO happens to be pregnant again...meaning this lovely little 1 year old is going to become a BIG SISTER in the fall! I adore this duo!

Thanks for such a lovely evening, VZ family! I am so excited for you as your family continues to expand!

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